Another Fork

This one may be the weirdest one of all. I don’t know. They’re all weird in their own way I guess. The tines are so out of line on this one though. They’re not even symmetric. And look at the curve on it! It’s almost bent into a half-circle.

Is it possible that they microwave it with the fork attached? Could the heat from the eggs deform the fork, maybe? There are obvious design problems with the fork, but is the heat making it worse? I don’t know if they microwave it with the fork attached or not.

4 thoughts on “Another Fork”

    1. No way, I don’t bite my nails. They have a lot of weird ridges in them though. And they get really torn up with all my hobbies. I put gloves on many times a day some days and if I don’t keep them short they get snagged on my gloves and split.

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