I installed two stickers on this cool guard rail that I came across at a little pull-out off of Vermont Route 17. It was just this one spot on the whole route that was heavily stickered. I think I looked at the map and saw that it was right near where the Appalachian Trail crossed the road. I’m not sure though, and I don’t know if that would have anything to do with it. But something tells me Appalachian Trail and stickers goes together somehow.

YO! I love this! That guardrail is ROPE. What a find – and perfect to see Long Dog there at the intersection of the Long Trail. As luck would have it, I know a dude – known as Chilly Dog – who has some experience with the Long Trail, which is in fact what the good folks of Vermont call their section of the Appalachian Trail.
This post is an inspiration to installers everywhere. Even FO5H would be inspired by this, of that I am sure.
What?!? You’re indirectly familiar with Long Trail? That’s cool. Well, all those Appalachian Trail hikers sure do seem to love their stickers. I was really happy to see that.
Or maybe directly
Directly?!? Man, this is getting more and more intriguing. All from a lonely old trail up in Vermont.
Directly?!? Man, this is getting more and more intriguing. All from a lonely old trail up in Vermont. It was awesome up there.