Silent Shoes

These shoes really solved a problem for me.

I like to take my shoes off as soon as I get inside. I have a little bench that my dad made for that purpose. I sit down on the bench, take my shoes off, and put them under the bench.

But I also don’t like to walk around the house with no shoes on. I injure my feet a lot if I do that. I stub my toes on the dog gates all the time, or on the step down into the living room. I’m also afraid I’ll drop a kitchen knife onto my foot and cut a tendon or something. I know someone who did that.

So I wear shoes in the house. Sometimes I get nice shoes from Zappo’s, but other times I go the opposite direction and I just buy the cheapest plastic Walmart shoes there are. That’s what I have now. They’re really light and comfortable, too.

The main problem with these plastic shoes is, they’re ridiculously noisy. They have this awful loud squeak to them and it’s so loud I have to walk around like an idiot if I’m on the phone because I don’t want anyone hearing that. I think the problem was made much worse by putting Armor All on the rubber floor in my gym area, and then walking on it with these. Since then I think they’re much more squeaky.

So I invented what I call QuietWalk technology. Using QuietWalk technology, I can walk around just like I used to, but quietly, without the annoying squeak. It’s a really fantastic idea and I’m getting a lot of use out of it.

2 thoughts on “Silent Shoes”

    1. Oh, yes I did. It’s so wonderful to be able to go around without making an obnoxious squeaking sound. The only thing is I’m worried that my daughter will get disoriented by my stealth so I’ve been just announcing to her very loudly that I’m walking.

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