Duke enjoys the company of the bird that he made and the guy with the one tooth. When Duke can’t think of anything to think he likes to think the phrase “the bird is the word” to himself. Duke can’t tell sometimes where his thoughts begin and where Arthur’s thoughts end. Some days it seems like he has a direct connection into the thoughts that Arthur has and sometimes he doesn’t. But because Duke can’t see Arthur he doesn’t know whether or not Arthur is real. Duke doesn’t know whether something he can’t see can be real or not but he knows for a fact, or he believes, or guesses, that things were very different before the end came and that happened before the beginning and some things carried over and some things did not. Duke believes that the idea of a bird is one of the things that carried over but that maybe birds did not. Duke would like to see a bird. It’s probably one of the top five things that he would like. He gets to see one later this season but it’s not as interesting as he thought.

Can Duke see Arthur?

Yes, of course.

He cain’t.

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